January - February - March - April - May - June - July - August - September - October - November - December


Wednesday 1st

I had the worst sleep last night. Lori stayed over and we had some new years drinks (which was cool), but she snores SO LOUD. I then drove her home at like 11am today. I remember why I don't like sleepovers, especially when the other person sleeps in my bed. Thankfully tonight I have my bed to myself (except my cat who likes to sleep with me).

In other news, I bought super mario party jamboree today and started the party planner trek which has been quite fun! I want to start using my switch again, it feels like it's been too long.

As a side note - I'm getting the horrible feeling of my dad not loving me again. It seems that everything I do annoys him in some way or he just have a preference of being around people who aren't me and it's stressing me out.

Thursday 2nd

Kicked off the day by playing super mario party jamboree, animal crossing, and hogwarts legacy; turns out I haven't played animal crossing in over 7 months.

Hamish leaves for his scout jamboree on Sunday so I spent my time after dinner sewing patches onto his scout shirt. I have one left and they're looking pretty good so far.

I went to the gym after that (first time this year lol) and omg it was a mess compared to usual. There was this weird white-ish splash stain next to the lat pull down machine and I did NOT want to go near it. There were weight plates sitting next to machines and when I went to do bicep curls and hammer curls, the dumbbell rack was a mess. Half of the dumbells weren't paired next to each other and there was a set just sitting on the ground by the mirrors. I cleaned up the rack before I left.

Friday 3rd

I finished sewing on Hamish's scout badges this morning. We then finished off the day by playing mario party with the family. First game, I won, but the second game, Cameron won.

Saturday 4th

I remembered I had a code for a 7 day free trial of switch online, so I redeemed that and starting playing switch sports again. It's actually kinda fun.

p.s. if y'all wanna play switch sports, super mario party jamboree, or mario kart 8 deluxe, my switch friend code is SW-4335-0112-8827!

Sunday 5th

Hamish and Cameron left for their scout jamboree today so it's just me and Dad for the next 11-12 days. We had chicken burgers for dinner and we watched The Office before bed. I went to the gym today and that weird splat stain next to the lat pulldown machine was still there.

Monday 6th

I made a few plans today; I'll be seeing my mother on Wednesday to help her with her business website and then I'll be going down south to see a uni friend on Saturday.

The gym was super busy today even though I went at 9pm. After the gym I bought some chocolate and pez lollies since my period is coming up and I already have cravings.

Tuesday 7th

I finally finished Anne of Green Gables today. People who do the TikTok reading sprint lives are actually so helpfu with just making me focus on reading.

Dad said that we're leaving at 06:15 tomorrow so I'll probably head to bed early tonight. It's 20:45 right now, so maby in 45 minutes I'll head off.

Wednesday 8th

I woke up at 05:30 this morning. The train ride to my mother's house was nice. The fog and rain over the mountains made for some lovely scenery and I just love riding on the v sets. When I got to my mother's, we worked on her website for a bit and then went to the movies. We saw Paddington in Peru, which I didn't love but it was still good. We then went to a cafe for lunch where the server complimented my outfit (i was dressed goth :D) and finished off the day with more website assistance. The train home was a bit busier than the one up, but I still loved going on the v set (still haven't seen V25).

Since it was a cold day, Dad made pumpkin leek risotto with sausages and it was DELICIOUS! We watched Aliens afterwards with a glass of wine, so overall a pretty good day.

Thursday 9th

I finally read Mall Goth by Kate Leth today and I really didn't expect the way it turned out (really loved it though). Currently watching a PWHL game and Toronto are down by 1 with 3 minutes left - really hope they can score one to push it into overtime.

Update: Montreal just scored so now it's 4-2 :(

Friday 10th

I didn't really do much today. I went to the gym and got some dried apple afterwards. I really need to stop with the sugar.

Dad also told me we have to go to this family thing on Sunday for my step brother since he is moving to Melbourne next week, like permanently. I kinda lied to Kat and told her that it was on Saturday so I could cancel our plans. I just honestly don't have the energy.

Managed to get to page 81 on Lord of the Flies.

Saturday 11th

I felt little today and watched some Bluey. Got out one of my pacis (not an adult one - I'm waiting for that to be delivered) and it is surprisingly good at comforting and distracting me. I mean, I always knew I had an oral fixation, but it just works so well.

Sunday 12th

Went to the little "family" thing today for my step brother and hooooooly I think I drank too much. Got a headache already so maybe I just need to drink some water. Anyway, I watched Alien 3 with my dad when we got home from the event, and it sucked a lot less than I was expecting.

Monday 13th

I got my paci today! It is super cute and pink and matches my dress!

Tuesday 14th

I took down the Christmas tree today. Usually I try to extend the amount of time it stays up because I just love Christmas and all the pretty decorations, but my brothers are coming back soon so I think it was time to take it down.

Wednesday 15th

I finished Lord of the Flies today and it wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be! The last few chapters were by far the best and most engaging. Now I have to think about what I'm going to read next...I might do some research on what book to read and see if the library has it avaliable for loans.

Thursday 16th

The boys came back from their scout jamboree today. I didn't really get any time to welcome them back or talk to them about their camp before I left to see Kat. We rescheduled our hang out from Saturday to today because she has other plans Saturday. We went to Westfield and chose out a dress for the wedding she is attending in February and I think it's real cute.

After that, I went to the gym, but I didn't really do much because I didn't have much energy. When I got home, Cam was watching a really weird movie that I watched for the last 20-30ish minutes. He then went to bed, unsurprisingly given how tired he must be.

Friday 17th

Had to report to centrelink today. I really need to get a job.

Saturday 18th

Cam took the car today to see his girlfiend, which means I'm stuck at home all day - no gym. I was thinking of going to the op shop today, but it looks too dreary to walk and I'm not interested in getting rained on.

Sunday 19th

I made banana and oat protein pancakes for breakfast and no going to lie, they had the texture of porridge. I didn't like them that much, but it was a fun experiment.

I also went to the op shop with my little brother to look for video games and books (books were for me only though lol). We didn't find any games for the ps4 or nintendo switch, but I did pick up 'The Fiery Cross' and 'An Echo in the Bone' both by Diana Gabaldon. I currently have 6/10 books in the series (missing #4 #8 #9 #10, also not including the novellas). After that we got slurpees from 7/11 since it was nextdoor to the vinnies.

Monday 20th

Cameron picked up his car today, thankfully nothing major was wrong.

I mainly read today, no gym or anything. I did get an email from my uni about teacher placements which is exciting! There are lots of forms to fill out.

Tuesday 21st


In other, non-American news, I sent off my application for a university scholarship today, and hopefully I'll get it. Any money that can go towards my education would be great since hex debt interest is ridiculously high.

Wednesday 22nd

Hamish left with Mum for Tasmania today and it turns out he forgot his phone ahah. He won't be home until Tuesday next week, which means we've got some quiet in the house again.

Today, I read and watched youtube, same as always really. I might go out either tomorrow or Friday to some other op shops to see what books they have.

Thursday 23rd

I had a fun dream last night. I was playing Blood on the Clocktower (a people I didn't really know) and then halfway through, Ben Burns came in and I said, "Hello, Ben Burns," and he looked shocked that I knew who he was.

Friday 24th

I ended up going out to op shops today. I went to three op shops and found 2 books, a top, and a denim jacket that I'll use as material for battle jacket patches. Afterwards, I went to QBD to use the giftcard that has been sitting on the fridge for a couple years. I got Dune and The Blade Itself. I also got some fabric paint, highlighters, and book tabs from Officeworks.

Saturday 25th

I printed out some plans for stencils I want to make for my battle jacket patches and began sewing the button closures from the jacket I got yesterday to the opening of my bag.

Sunday 26th

I finished sewing the button closure on my bag and decided to pin some pockets to my bag to cover up the logo.

Cameron was out all day basically. He had work in the morning and then went to a party in the evening, meaning I had the house to myself. I ordered macca's for dinner, but it honestly wasn't as good as I thought it would be. Although I did like the mcflurry.

Monday 27th

Today's a public holiday, so Dad isn't home. He's probably with his girlfriend. I have a feeling they went out yesterday to celebrate Australia Day, which I really disagree with, but I'm not certain that's what they did. All I knwo is that they went on a picnic.

Tuesday 28th

Hamish came back from Tasmania today, thus I was forced to be around Mum and make her a tea. According to Hamish he had a good time, which is nice.

I finished Goblet of Fire today (finally) and started to read Cross Stitch/Outlander since I never finished it the first time around.

Wednesday 29th

I forgot how heavy Cross Stitch is. The chapters are about 30 pages long and they just go on forever. I've decided to write little chapter summaries once I finish each one, just to help me keep track of what goes on and improve comprehension.

When I went to the gym today, the floor was covered in confetti. Apprently the workers were filming something for social media, but it didn't initially confuse me.

Thursday 30th

I went to the shops with Hamish today. He got Red Dead Redemption and I got RE8 and two books. We had KFC for lunch and then bought dumplings for dinner. Dad sent me out to grab other ingredients for dinner a bit later too. After dinner, Cam, Ham, and I played Switch Sports.

Friday 31st

The start of today was going pretty well. I read, had a yummy dinner, went to the gym. I noticed when going to the gym that I couldn't click from Bluetooth to FM, but thought nothing of it since I had a CD. When I came back from the gym, my CD wouldn't eject nor would any of the displays change when I tried to click them. Cameron had used the car before me and commented on the same problem. We told Dad and after he looked at the car, he said he would destroy my CD once he got it out and that I was to never put a CD in the car again. It wasn't my fault! I did nothing wrong! This obviously made me upset and I'm crying as I'm writing this, so that's fun. Dad doesn't know I'm crying. He often doesn't; he doesn't care when hurting other people's feelings and using harsh, aggressive, and frustrated tones.


Saturday 1st

Dad didn't destroy my CD. He got it back and said nothing else.

Starting playing RE8 today, pretty good so far

Sunday 2nd

Played more RE8 today, didn't really do much else.

Monday 3rd

Woke up this morning and cleaned my room. I vacuumed the whole house and emptied/stacked the dishwasher. It feels good to be useful.

Tuesday 4th

I enrolled in my tutorial times today and managed to get three time slots with Kat! Two are tutorials and one is our prac workshop. I believe there are multiple students to a class so there is a chance we could be in the same class together.

I've started rewatching Outlander season one, for obious reasons (it is my fav).

Wednesday 5th

Cam and I were going to chack out my possible first car today, but the dickhead selling it told us right before we were about to leave that he'd sold it. Never said anything about anyone else thinking of looking at it that day, which was a prick move.

Thursday 6th

Hamish went to school today. I forgot I was meant to get my blood test done today, whoops.

Friday 7th

I once again forgot to go get my blood drawn. But, in other news, I read and bought myself some ice cream for dessert. I might make a strawberry and ice cream milkshake tomorrow.

Saturday 8th

For dinner, Cameron and I had chicken kievs and then Cam was still hungry so he ordered some chinese (I requested lemon chicken) and for dessert we had vanilla ice cream with milo. Good day for food.

I enjoy our little rituals on weekends alone where we eat dinner at the couch and watch movies/tv shows.

Sunday 9th

I watched Cam and his two friends take out the engine in Cam's ute today.

Monday 10th

Did my blood test today, finally, and went to Chemist Warehouse to pick up some melatonin tablets. My sleep has been awful recently, so hopefully the tablets will be able to help.

I'm currently on hold with the Department of Education, trying to get my account information so I can complete my mandatory checks to go on placement. It's been 30 minutes and I haven't been placed with a person to help yet. I hope this hurries up soon.

Finally go it sorted after and hour of waiting.

Tuesday 11th

I finished all of my mandatory training modules and submitted them to my university professional experience team, so I should be good to go for placement!

In other, worse, news: Daniel Greene has been accused of sexual assault! Watch Naomi's video here. As someone who has experienced sexual assualt myself, I believe Naomi whole-heartedly. Her evidence is damning and Daniel's choice to send them a C&D for a video where they didn't even name him is basically a confession.

Wednesday 12th

Booked my doctor's appointment today!

Thursday 13th

Daniel Greene posted his response video today. He denied everything - apart from cheating on his fiancé - in a lame 1 minute youtube video.

Apart from that, I got all of my teaching checks cleared so I'm ready to go for placement this upcoming semester!

Friday 14th

I finished reading Outlander today!

Saturday 15th

Dad went out to a concert tonight, so it was just me and my brothers for dinner tonight.

Sunday 16th

I applied to 5 jobs today. Hopefully something comes of it.

Monday 17th

I got an email back from one of the jobs. I need to make a 2-3 minute video of myself by Thursday night.

Tuesday 18th

Had my doctor's appointment today. My thyroid levels are still raised, but not enough to be a concern. I got a new blood test sheet for my iron levels, so I'll try and get that done either tomorrow or Thursday.

Wednesday 19th

I finished RE8 today and then immediately started playing it again. I loved the ending.


Saturday 1st


Tuesday 1st


Thursday 1st


Sunday 1st


Tuesday 1st


Friday 1st


Monday 1st


Wednesday 1st


Saturday 1st


Monday 1st