Date Finished Fandom Title Author
1 12/01/2025 Men's Hockey RPF blue frog artform_virtue
2 12/01/2025 Men's Hockey RPF maple bunny artform_virtue
3 20/01/2025 Men's Hockey RPF *how to catch a falling star nationalhorribleleague (andlovetoo)
4 29/01/2025 The Hobbit With oak as witness PlantingFluff
5 29/01/2025 The Hobbit A Halo On Your Body freakylemurcat
6 30/01/2025 The Hobbit Intertwine Shinybug
7 30/01/2025 The Hobbit At Your Service TanukiMara
8 01/02/2025 The Hobbit Not All That Glitters Is Gold Fantasyinallforms
9 01/02/2025 The Hobbit My Treasure stravaganza
10 02/02/2025 The Hobbit but it's alright to pretend ever_yours

*work in progress
