Date Finished Fandom Title Author
1 28/01/2024 Men's Hockey RPF i still can't figure you out extinguish
2 28/01/2024 Men's Hockey RPF Liquid Courage jimothystu
3 28/01/2024 Men's Hockey RPF Conflict of Interest Linsky
4 24/02/2024 Star Wars thr33 is a magic number. indiecisivepsych
5 02/03/2024 Men's Hockey RPF I'm starving, darling lottiesmind
6 02/03/2024 Men's Hockey RPF For the Very FIrst Time Linsky
7 03/03/2024 Men's Hockey RPF wanna rock with your body aplantolove
8 03/03/2024 Men's Hockey RPF but we cannot stay forever young and out of our heads fridaygrimm
9 04/03/2024 Men's Hockey RPF color in your cheeks nationalhorribleleague (andlovetoo)
10 04/03/2024 Men's Hockey RPF [●rec] crispierchip
11 06/03/2024 Men's Hockey RPF Sweet Thing ArizonaToToronto (BlaqkAudio)
12 06/03/2024 Hermitcraft Grian Did a Thing! LovelyBunny55
13 10/03/2024 Detroit: Become Human We Belong Andy_Ehrlich
14 10/03/2024 Detroit: Become Human wrong number connorsjorts
15 01/04/2024 Star Wars Nothing Nice to Say LovesBitca8
16 01/04/2024 Star Wars *Literate vuas
17 07/04/2024 Anne with an E You suck MissAnywayx2
18 22/04/2024 Batman Batter, Batter, Swing orphan_account
19 22/04/2024 Batman A Hostage Situation kowaiyoukai
20 30/04/2024 Batman Somewhere Between Love and Abuse Saremina
21 30/04/2024 Batman In The Cover of Night xXCrossArrowXx
22 13/05/2024 Batman Learning A New Dance the_tilly
23 26/05/2024 Men's Hockey RPF "what you doing tonight?" (doin' you right) glasshouses_and_stones
24 28/05/2024 The Legend of Zelda The Power of Friendship littlefreakelio
25 29/05/2024 The Legend of Zelda A Drunken Pursuit EntangledSquid
26 17/12/2024 Men's Hockey RPF *how to catch a falling star nationalhorribleleague (andlovetoo)
27 17/06/2024 Men's Hockey RPF *Push + Pull hundo-p (afalsebravado), mxaether
28 17/06/2024 Men's Hockey RPF Contact High nemuizumi
29 01/07/2024 Men's Hockey RPF I'm starving, darling lottiesmind
30 01/07/2024 Men's Hockey RPF let me put my lips to something lottiesmind
31 23/07/2024 Men's Hockey RPF You Can Wait for the New Day summerdazed
32 29/08/2024 Harry Potter Amortentia thewintersgo
33 17/09/2024 Dinner in America fuck 'em all but us Anonymous
34 17/09/2024 Dinner in America You're My Angel Moreid
35 17/09/2024 Dinner in America Hey Simon? Incy Little Spider (1ncylilspider)
36 17/09/2024 Dinner in America prison ain't tits spookythingsss
37 17/09/2024 Dinner in America letters spookythingsss
38 17/09/2024 Dinner in America Bobblehead biboy69
39 17/09/2024 Dinner in America Clit Tease Incy Little Spider (1ncylilspider)
40 17/09/2024 Dinner in America The Muzzle Incy Little Spider (1ncylilspider)
41 17/09/2024 Dinner in America extra help for my music boyfriend spookythingsss
42 17/09/2024 Dinner in America Polaroids ScissorKidsCult
43 17/09/2024 Dinner in America she moves in her own way pinkpantherman
44 17/09/2024 Dinner in America wide awake all night thinking about her tatelikesfic
45 17/09/2024 Dinner in America Breakfast in America axeaxeaxe
46 17/09/2024 Dinner in America *Finally some good fucking food assmasher69
47 07/10/2024 Dinner in America *Fuck 'em all, but us boom_butterfly_effect
48 23/09/2024 Dinner in America call me and I'll come tatelikesfic
49 03/10/2024 Men's Hockey RPF midnight secrets himbomitch (forever_bright)
50 03/10/2024 Men's Hockey RPF set my feelings aside glovehearts
51 06/10/2024 Men's Hockey RPF **this above all: to thine ownself, be true karabex
52 18/10/2024 Anne with an E The Sneak-In InitialDistrict
53 18/10/2024 Anne with an E No More Obstacles In Our Way orphan_account
54 02/11/2024 Batman What a Wonderful Animosity kyrilu
55 05/11/2024 Batman His Love is Viral TimmyJaybird
56 05/11/2024 Men's Hockey RPF changing of the seasons himbomitch (forever_bright)
57 17/12/2024 Men's Hockey RPF *how to catch a falling star nationalhorribleleague (andlovetoo)
58 30/11/2024 The Office Research princely_manner
59 07/12/2024 Star Wars *Don't Be Anonymous

*work in progress
